Recharge rules

customer service

Last Update منذ عامين

Recharge steps

 Select recharge

choose the amount for top-up OR Fill in the top-up amount, choose Usdt Sunpay Pay and click Recharge to continue

Copy the USDT link or scan the QR code

Go to a third party digital currency app to transfer USDT

Note: Transfer needs to be completed within 10 minutes

Recharge Notes:

  1. ERC20 address will only receive ERC20_USDT / TRC20 address will only receive TRC20_USDT, sending assets in other currencies to this address will not retrieve them;
  2. After you store the value to this address, you need to confirm the whole network node. After one network confirmation, the account will arrive, and the currency can be withdrawn after one network confirmation;
  3. Minimum recharge amount: 50usdt. The stored value less than the minimum amount will not be credited and cannot be returned.

Transfer Notes:

  1. If the entered payment amount does not match the actual payment amount, the recharge will not be credited to the account;
  2. Use the newly generated key on the payment page for each payment; otherwise it will affect the payment of the account;
  3. If you encounter any problems during the recharge process, please contact online customer service.

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